Self & Awareness

A blurry image of the ocean and sand.

Liberté d'esprit

There’s only this

There’s only now

Grab hold of today

Someway, somehow

Listen carefully within

Let your spirit be your guide

For tomorrow comes with possibilities

Some with promise

Others, you lay aside


Sitting quietly, observing

No distraction, reserving

The finest of memories to recall

Listening with intention

Of ventures lacking convention

The most promising visions

Of all


This liberté d’esprit

It is our life force

It feeds our soul, it is our voice

It expands our awareness

Makes clear our choice

‘Cause there’s only this

There’s only now

Grab hold of life

Someway, somehow

liberté d’esprit


There’s only this

There’s only now

Grab hold of today

Someway, somehow

Listen carefully within

Let your spirit be your guide

For tomorrow comes with possibilities,

Some with promise

Others, you lay aside

Sitting quietly

No distraction, reserving

The finest of memories to recall

Listening with intention

Of ventures lacking convention

Are the most promising visions

of all


This liberté d’esprit
It is our life force

feeds our soul, it is our voice

expands our awareness

clear our choice

‘Cause there’s only this

There’s only now

Grab hold of life

Someway, somehow

A person holding puzzle pieces with an arrow pointing to the right.

journey for truth

I’ve traveled far and wide

Researched and reviewed

Challenged and engaged

In lively conversation too

I’m different I say

They smile and nod

Then I’m labeled as others

Be on your way

Can they not entertain

Nor understand

Subtle differences exist

That may pertain

And while not proven

One should not outright

Exclude them

And then one day, I stumble upon

An alternative perspective

Not yet common

Through years of study

Laboratory and books

A new paradigm emerges

A new outlook

The time has come for a new approach

Change is possible, its true

Not all is broke

With science as a foundation

Advances are made

Lives are improved

Where others mistook

The day arrives

When we meet face-to-face

A glowing countenance before me

Exuding calm and grace

We review the numbers

and then the charts

I find you unique

When did this first start?

The findings we review

Never assessed before

But caught in time now

Before problems set in

I know not how

Life now has new meaning

Relevance and depth

A lightness of being

A renewal of breathe

A person is running on the street at sunset.


In the dawning of the morning

In the rise of the afternoon sun

How we view these daily markers

Drive our interactions, our passion


Are we open to other approaches?

Willing to collaborate to reach all goals

Or do we retreat to the familiar

As long as we control?


Progress rests on our willingness

To be receptive and to give

In our position and opinion

To welcome others, how they live


Discourse can be enlightening

If inclusive, and broad in thought

It can bring an understanding

Yesterday could not be bought

Is the day partially sunny, or

Clear as far as one can see?

Lay the foundation for belonging

Now and always

Let it be.

A sunset over the ocean with trees in front of it.


The door is opening

To where I do not know

I feel it in my body

I feel it in my soul

The urge has been lingering

Waiting for the moment to break free

Kept at bay by society’s urging

Meanwhile suffering to obey


Could it be a long-kept secret

Quieted time and time again

Begging to be recognized

And acknowledged

No one to blame

To ignore the unpleasant, we are encouraged

Do not speak it does not exist

But for those who live it daily

Know its thunder, its catalyst


For in our daily living

The truth lies ever still

Waiting for the word, the photo to reveal

In the spirit of goodwill

Our most telling shifts

We no longer can conceal


So we take a step forward

Measured, carefully,

Motivated by our will

The time is now, no more shadows

We can relax and be still

When doubt returns to take the stage

Nod, smile and then move on

For you are leading in this journey

It is your new dawn

A woman in white dress on beach at sunset.

my spirit dances

My spirit’s alight

The piano plays

I explore, its freeing

What can I do?

Where will I go?

Will it be familiar

Or somewhere unknown


In life we must manage

The antagonist, uncertainty

It’s not always easy

But the alternative

It’s not palatable, for you nor me

So raise up, take a step

The next step is easier yet

Soon you’re on your path

The path that sets you free…


Free of constraints

That say, no, you can’t

That hold you back

When you have roads to travel

And flowers to plant

Chest out, nose in the air

Will and determination take ahold
And with a prayer…


Life plays out

Unpredictable that’s true

As it will be

Diverse as humanity

Deep as the sea

So peer, explore

et your being take flight

Let it explore new avenues

Reach new heights

A light bulb hanging from the side of a wire.


When life goes sideways

Distractions are many

You think of home

Where friends and family

Extend a hand

And wink, please join us

Just as you can


The mood is easy

You laugh and applaud

Of feats and accomplishments

Otherwise, awed

No calculation for return

Grace leads the way

Its simple, uncomplicated

Live for the day


A lightness of being

Is felt through the space

Genuine and caring

No motive or race

The world can be rough

So to have such friendship,

Family, and grace

Is a gift beyond all others

In time and place


In the circle of life

Giving back to others with care

Is an understanding, a regard

Of all we can share

To lighten a load

And brighten a path

A simple routine

A heartfelt task


We rejoice in the gestures

Of those we unexpectedly meet

They address you by name

There’s a reason you meet

She lends a hand

You acknowledge her smile

Its Grace that binds

All the while

A little girl in the grass with a kite.

The child

The child in me remains

Removing the labels

One by one

Accumulated over the years

Both innocently and with intent

It has ladened the child within


In the quiet of thought

When the mind stills

Time provides a retrospective

A glimpse of who she was and still is

That which became overshadowed

By acceptance and blame


But labels are temporary

and do not define us

A mechanism by humankind

to overcome that which hurts

Instead it is our soul which

serves us


Lays our head to rest

In peaceful slumber

Knowing that the child within, is

And always will be


As she runs through the meadow

Dimpled, sun-kissed locks flowing behind

She smiles and laughs in delight

She knows no boundaries

No end in sight


I am that girl

No labels or notions

that do not serve me

I dance to the music

Which so easily carries me away

Content with the knowledge

And love

Of the person within

A person jumping over some rocks in the air

Honor your Being

Just this morning

As it was quiet and still

Reality and I greeted each other

It had been a while

A game of hide and seek, if you will

I’ve had many demands

Yes, I know, it’s true

But truth, you see

It can fulfill


You fight so hard for what you believe

Educate, evaluate, test and assess

What a load to carry

Surely you need a rest

Take a moment, lay upon the grass

Take in the sun

Let the rays shine down upon you

Fill your core with calm


Now for just a moment

Look back from where you’ve come

Exceeding expectations,

You now can run

But that is only the beginning

As other talents have emerged

May gratitude surround you

Acknowledge your worth


Cast aside those who doubt

They have no place, just wish

them well

Walk boldly into the future

And embrace that which matters

Knowing Providence will provide

And tell.