
A light bulb hanging from the side of a wire.

the server

A beautiful evening

Driving to a favorite venue

Friends reunite after years apart

Looking forward to sharing experiences

And getting a fresh start

A traffic snag

Our timely arrival delayed

No matter, we were greeted warmly

Please be seated, don’t dismay

Your server is eager to meet you

She will soon be on her way

So we settle in, review the menu

So much to say

Our server, so genuine

Wishing only to please

Beamed with authenticity

Immediately put us at ease

Eager to make our evening perfect

She directed as best she knew,

Dietary restrictions, however,

Made our choices few

Time passed, we waited

Our anticipation was great

Then serendipity entered

Characteristically late

And altered our event

One miscue after another

Lead to a dinner, gone awry

We remarked to each other

How unlikely

Tho It’s still a great day

Genuine and sincere

A jewel of humankind

Our server acknowledged

Our misfortunes

They will be addressed

As you dine

While a much-anticipated meal

Went sideways very quick

What trumped in importance

Was our server,

Her spirit and her wit

And so we left richer

for our experience, to be sure

For the kindness, and grace

She extended

We will never forget

A full moon over the ocean at night.


With unspeakable loss

The war continues on

Fueled by hatred and distrust

Based on centuries of fears

Of families broken

And unbelievable loss

Both sides entrenched in their beliefs

Passed down and emboldened

Does the possibility of resolution exist?

For those displaced, to hold on to?


Mothers, fathers, singles, child

Witness horrors no one should ever see

Nor will they ever be free to forget

While we in the West

Read in shock, disbelief

And at the end of the day

Rest our heads gently on our pillows

Say goodnight

Wake to life, the next morning

And say,


What can we do?

What role do we play?

Community education


What do each have to say?

And so we pray

Then share our resources

Whatever they may be

Time, financial, comfort

A need as broad as the sea


Is it not each one’s responsibility

To support and uphold mankind?

Through kindness,

And through our time

Each day the call grows louder

Prayer is the starting point but not the end

What calls for reason, not reaction

We must promote, forever, Amen

Three birds sitting on a wire in front of the sky.


Unproductive and disqualifying

Unless accompanied with a benefit, or goal

How established, and

For what application

Is the intent, the might, the role?


Beauty describes a flower

or sunrise

Comical, are actions

Arising from the unexpected

There are labels that drive

Our commerce and prose

But those that separate others

By ability and race

Strike at the heart

They have no place


So embrace the positive in what is

Be grateful for the variety in delivery and space

Through family, friends, variance in grace

Reach out to those whose strength is less

Not by their fault, they were put to a test

Labels can weigh heavily, without proper care

They can hinder a breakthrough

Lead to despair

Unless we as humanity

Do more to mend and repair


So, lend an arm, sit, listen, smile

For the stories compiled may be

Richer in experience, than you’ve

Walked in miles

Quite and humble, often kept to themselves

Yet the lessons learned, and mountains climbed

Yields wisdom and clarity

A label defiles

A man and woman carrying bags of food.

What If?

What if

For just one day

And for all of society

There was no profiling

Each individual is unique

And everyone respected

Nothing to separate us

While families carry-on

Children attend school

Without fear of gunfire

And employees find purpose

In their daily routine


What if

Instead of closing oneself off

From the world around

To monitor social media

We help the elderly man

Pack his groceries

Smile at fellow pedestrians

Some of which wear frowns

Because life isn’t what it should be

That smile could make their day a bit brighter

And provide them with the sense

That humanity is truly caring


What if

For one week

Instead of ordering our morning coffee

We gave to our favorite charity

A small adjustment

For the people that it would impact

Business could contribute

Everyone benefits

Charities provide enhanced services

Those donating experience gratitude

And recipients’ well-being is broadened

What a difference that would make


What if?

Acts of kindness

Of any kind, sort and value

Give hope, wipe away tears

Begets further acts of kindness

So little effort, so much impact


What if?

We just gave one hour

coffee proceeds

A smile

What a difference it could make

A man in a kitchen with a tie on.

A day in the life

The alarm rings

A new day dawns

Coffee set last eve

Is my morning balm

After one long sip

I slowly awake

Take a look at the news

The day won’t wait


With a dog at my feet

And a tug on my sleeve

I’m gently signaled

There’s a walk I must take

I slip on my shoes

Then grab a coat

We leave the house

We hit the street


When back at home

And we’ve walked our walk

The music plays

The dial is up

Its Friday I say

And with one more cup

I dress for the day

Pack up my belongings

I’m on my way


Articles written

Reviewed and toned

Caught the attention of others

An author unknown

I like their style

Their approach is new

So, I give them a call

How do you do


We’d like to meet you over tea

Please arrive at our office

At a quarter past three

We meet, exchange pleasantries

Then dig right in

We like your work, when can you begin?


It’s been a good day

New opportunities to pursue

To create and explore

Now it’s time to renew

Collect my thoughts

And acknowledge my gratitude

For all that I’ve got

Bus Stop

Driving down the road
The sun in my eyes
Feeling a bit irritable
With traffic aside
Then I caught a glimpse
Of a woman torn weary
Waiting for a bus
Three bags in tow
Making note, I turned
Pulling into a
Precision-marked row

I opened my door
And then it came to me
This woman I saw
I’d like to make her day better
To whatever degree
I approached her at a distance
Hello, how are you?
Are you coming or going,
Do you have a moment, please?

I noticed you as I drove by
I thought you might enjoy a rest
From all you do
Would you be my guest?
Across the way, there is a shop
It would be my honor
What do you say?

She looked at me with surprise
And a sparkle in her smile
Are my ears hearing right?
You’re asking me to join you
Bless your heart
Yes, I would
My feet, what a sight

When we entered the shop
I nodded and said
We are together
This is my friend as you see
Then we each took a seat
And waited our turn
To be called back and assigned
Within a few minutes
We would soon learn

They were ready for two
So we settled in our chairs
The technician asked,
How do you do?
A simple polish for me
As for my friend here
Please do as she shares

As our nails were buffed and polished
We exchanged niceties of family and such
How life impacts us all
Being mindful not to trespass
On my guest’s personal space
That she may enjoy as she wishes
And at her own pace

I was soon prompted to pay
Yes, I replied for two
l slipped on my shoes
And slowly moved
Then turning, I smiled
And waved good-by
Thank you for accepting
You have a good day