I Believe

I believe in God and the inherent goodness of people.

I believe that what is most desired by people is love, safety, respect and belonging.

I believe that I should give of my time, talent and resources to make someone’s life a little brighter.

I believe in simplicity. That something so simple as a smile and a helping hand can turn someone’s day around.

I believe in the bond between parent and child, its strength and resilience.

I believe that kindness wins over anger and that forgiveness mends.

I believe in honoring others’ perspectives, and that everyone has the right to be heard.

I believe that to judge another is not a right nor can one fully appreciate another’s experience short of walking in their shoes.

I believe that it is our responsibility as humankind to be good stewards of our environment.

I believe in honesty and grace without which misunderstandings arise and hurt lingers.

Lastly, I believe that in the quiet of a spring day when you can feel a gentle breeze upon your face and hear the wind rustle the leaves amongst the trees, you can feel the presence of God.

1Inspired by Jonathan Butler in concert in March 2023, entitled, “I Believe.”