The Power Of Positivity

We’ve all been there. We’ve experienced a setback, whether at work or personally. We didn’t get the promotion; our budget was cut or we need to make a significant change in our diet for optimal living. Likely responses include feeling overwhelmed, disappointed, and wondering what we could’ve done differently. Our confidence in having an impact on our world needs boosting.

To begin, we must realize that many things are beyond our control. In today’s interconnected world, we are increasingly expected to do more, better and faster in the workplace while adding intensity to our workout and making time for an additional after school activity for your child while ensuring there’s a nutritious meal for dinner. If you’re single or nearing retirement age, it’s the same drill without the family but with the addition of possibly more social demands or more attention to one’s health. And time for ourselves? Perhaps an hour before heading off to bed – but not always.

We all want to do well. But sometimes we can lose self-confidence and be just a bit too critical of ourselves. Other times, we may doubt our ability to achieve a goal, as the climb appears too great.

So how best do we overcome these times of self-doubt? Enter, positivity. Positivity has an amazing ability to provide the motivation and can-do spirit for goals and tasks that appear formidable. Surrounding oneself with people that are positive while avoiding those who are not is a critical first step. Our positivity can also influence others.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, researchers note that people who are more positive make better health and life decisions and are more hopeful in their perspective leading to less stress and increasing the body’s ability to keep inflammation in check. On the other hand, negative emotions are believed to weaken the immune response.1

Using positive reinforcement by praising a child or employee when they exhibit a desired behavior increases the likelihood the behavior will be repeated in the future. Positive reinforcement enhances motivation by providing individuals with a sense of accomplishment and recognition for their efforts. This boosts self-esteem and confidence, encouraging further engagement in the desired behavior.

Positive reinforcement encourages individuals to explore new ideas and approaches without fear of failure. It fosters creativity and innovation by rewarding efforts to find solutions rather than punishing mistakes.

Positivity improves overall well-being and creates a culture of appreciation.2 Being acknowledged and appreciated through positive reinforcement contributes to a sense of happiness and satisfaction. It promotes emotional resilience and helps individuals cope with challenges more effectively.

To maintain a positive outlook, try the following:

• Practice gratitude by focusing on the good things in life
• Surround oneself with positive people
• At bedtime, jot down the three things that went well that day3
• Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well and having good sleep hygiene
• If negative thoughts enter your mind, rationally consider the situation and follow with affirmations of your positive qualities 4

In the end, remember that one does not have control over every element in one’s life regardless of how hard they may wish or try. That said, having a positive mindset goes a long way towards establishing a sense of peace and leading to satisfaction with one’s life.

1 John’s Hopkins Medicine
3 Reuben Lowe, founder of Mindful Creation and the registered charity ACT On It.
4 Mayo – Rochester